
YITH WooCommerce Featured Audio & Video Content Premium v1.1.8

Using a video for your products instead of images might be very useful to present your items in a better way, but it becomes especially u...

YITH WooCommerce Featured Audio & Video Content Premium v1.1.8

Using a video for your products instead of images might be very useful to present your items in a better way, but it becomes especially useful when it comes to digital products, such as a programmes, videogames or such, where a picture is not enough to show their strengths at the best.
And what if you sell music? Nothing can be a good preview for your product but an audio file. And most e-commerce themes allow you to add only images.

But, do not despair, now all this is possible and easy with YITH WooCommerce Featured Audio and Video Content, a plugin that will let you attach an audio file or a video to your product in place of the featured image. It supports the most common audio and video formats and be sure that your shop will benefit a lot from this illustrative feature. 
Do not wait a moment more to try it!

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